martedì 1 luglio 2008

WTC hero police dog to be cloned

James Symington and Trakr were among first search-and-rescue teams to arrive at WTC in 2001. Trakr helped locate last human survivor of attack
If you're going to clone a dog, it might as well be a hero dog.
A German shepherd named Trakr, a hero of Ground Zero, will be replicated as a detection dog in a bizarre cloning experiment announced Monday.
Trakr and his master, a retired Canadian police officer named
James Symington, were among the first search-and-rescue teams to arrive at Ground Zero.
Braving horrific conditions, the pair helped locate the last human survivor of 9/11 under some 30 feet of unstable debris.
"Once in a lifetime, a dog comes along that not only captures the hearts of all he touches but also plays a private role in history," Symington wrote in his winning essay in a contest to find the world's most "cloneworthy dog."
The canine, now 15, suffers from a degenerative neurological disorder that impairs the use of his back legs. The disorder may be linked to exposure to toxic smoke at Ground Zero, experts say.
The Best Friends Again contest is run by
BioArts International, a company that claims to have the sole worldwide license for the cloning of dogs, cats and endangered species.
The company says within 30 days it will transport a sample of Trakr's DNA to the South Korean lab of its partner,
Sooam Biotech Research Foundation, which is described as the world's foremost expert in canine cloning.
"We received many touching submissions to our contest, describing some truly amazing dogs," said
Lou Hawthorne, CEO of BioArts.
"Trakr's story blew us away. His many remarkable capabilities were proven beyond all doubt on our nation's darkest hour - and we view the work of cloning him as a great honor."
BioArts is holding a global auction of cloning slots next week, with bids starting at $100,000.
The company said Trakr's clone could be in Symington's household in
Los Angeles before the end of the year.
"I can't imagine the joy I'll feel that day," Symington said. "To know that part of him is going to live on is just beyond words.
"If the clone has Trakr's abilities, then of course we'll put him into service as a detection dog - and I guess I'll come out of retirement as well."

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