martedì 17 giugno 2008

China uses 'panda porn to sexercise' zoo population into mating

They have been forced to endure pornographic DVDs, invasive IVF and even a mock wedding to encourage them to breed.
But now sex-shy pandas are to be subjected to a new tactic to spur them on to have more babies - 'sexercise'.
Zoo keepers at the Chengdu Panda Breeding and Research Centre in the Sichuan province, South West China, are putting their charges through a rigorous exercise scheme - mainly involving apples - with the aim of improving their mating skills.
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'Sexercising': Zoo keepers claim making pandas dance for an apple improves their stamina and pelvic floor muscles
The fruit is dangled from a string above the panda, luring it to stand on two legs.
Keepers claim the technique teaches the creatures to perform a dance-like routine that strengthens the pelvic and hip area, boosting the animal's stamina.
Yang Kuxing, keeper of ten pandas in the centre's maternity ward, said that sexercise should aid the males when mating.
'After pandas succeed in taking the standing-up exercise, we feed them apples to reward them,' he added.
Such quirky measures are designed to ensure the survival of one of the world's most endangered animals.
Last November, China had 239 pandas living in captivity with another 27 overseas. Just 1,569 are believed to live in the wild and remote corners of the South West of China.
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Watch and learn: Captive pandas, who normally learn how to mate from other creatures, are having to be taught by videos, dubbed 'panda porn'
And to combat any female indifference, male pandas with a bit more experience are also being called in to help their more innocent companions.
One official said: 'We arrange lovemaking between two excellent pandas in front of inexperienced pandas which have never had sex. It does work.'
More than 30 per cent of the 68 pandas at the base are capable of having sex naturally compared with just 10 per cent a decade ago.

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